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Agricultural supply side structural reforms in summer season

General secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "to push forward the structural reform of the agricultural supply side, we should make efforts to optimize the industrial product structure on the basis of ensuring national food security.".


 Today, the Ministry of Agriculture issued the latest crop scheduling: national wheat harvest is over 80%, the summer grain harvest is expected to re. As the main varieties of grain in wheat, structural adjustment, improve the quality, show the effectiveness of the supply side structural reform.


In the middle part of Jiangsu River Basin, the wheat harvest is nearing completion, the acquisition is entering the peak, a flour mill in Dongtai City, launched simultaneously with the acquisition of a special experiment: Flour blowing balloons, this test is the gluten content of wheat. The results show that the gluten content of this weak gluten wheat is low and has reached the standard for making pastry powder.


The past, the vast majority of wheat in China, growth is suitable for medium gluten wheat, weak gluten wheat and wheat cakes of bread in short supply, the majority of enterprises have to rely on imports of special flour processing wheat cake.
As an important part of the reform of the agricultural supply side, in the past five years, the central government has adjusted the grain rations security strategy in a timely manner, from the past merely to the increase of output, to the direction of total stability and structural optimization. In 2016, the state issued the "national plan": the adjustment of planting structure will vigorously develop the market shortage for the processing of biscuit cake quality of weak gluten wheat, as well as for high gluten wheat bread processing; for ordinary medium gluten wheat market is a heavy pile up in excess of requirement, to enhance the quality of.   

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